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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Yogyakarta: Day 3 - Keraton Yogyakarta

Day 3's activity is just strolling around Yogyakarta's city. We started our day with going to Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat or known as Keraton Yogyakarta. Distance of this palace from our hotel is just a 5 minutes ride.

Keraton Yogyakarta is located at the heart of Yogyakarta's city. Although the Sultanate has become the Republic of Indonesia in 1950, this palace building still serves as a residence sultan and palace households still carry this tradition to the present monarchy. It is now open for tourist attraction. Inside the palace holds museum fills with antics and various collection belonging to the Sultan.

At Mawar Asri's lobby.

Musical instrument: gamelan.

Chairs during important meeting.
The original structure of main hall or balai had collapse during volcano eruption. This is the original part left.

Pictures of what they had done to set up the new balai.

This was the balai.

All the buildings here, must have 2 guarded statues. Right is for the Good, left side is for the Bad symbol. So we stand on the right statue.

The Sultan's table.

Dragon and mask at the mask has it's own symbol. 

Garuda carrier to bring the new bride, but no longer being used.

Hulubalang or sultan's worker is still around. His job will pass down to his child and his next on generations.

Sultan hobby is to cook. So this is some of his cooking collections

The Sultan.

Antique collections.

This batik design is used during 7 months pregnant ceremony.

Cigar holder.

Ceremony for first time baby stepping on land. They will place money, book or others and see what item will the baby pick to predict his future life.

Symbol of Yogyakarta's government.
 SAAK with historical symbol.

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