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Friday, February 17, 2012

F4 vs F4 vs F4

Good day friends. It's been a busy week but I still have time to layan cerita Korea. It all started when I asked my student to transfer cerita2 best ke dalam my external. Dah lama sebenarnya dia transfer, tapi due to fed up with tons of works, I take a break to layan apa2 cerita to eased my mind of work. Teringat balik when my student cakap cerita "Boys over Flower" ni best. So I pun layan la. From the 1st eposide lagi dah nampak cerita ni sama dgn cerita Taiwan yang I giler2 back in 2001, which is "Meteor Garden". So bila di kaji2 dalam En Net, rupa2nya memang it's the same story line but different version.

Startnya dari Taiwan then Japanese and recent is Korean. So bila ceritanya sama, character pun lebih kurang samalah.

Picture yang atas ni from the original Meteor Garden (Taiwan).

Second picture is from Japan, Hana Yuri Dango. And the last picture is from Korea, Boys Over Flower.

Agak2 boleh agak tak hero tuk all three drama yang mana? And which one paling handsome :)

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